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Department of Adult Psychiatry and Psychotherapy


Selected Publications

Kleiner R, Wiemer H, Maatz A. (accepted) “I have now gained a certain distance by telling it again and again” - towards a systematic description of psychological distance in autobiographical narratives of mental illness. Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy.

Maatz A, Ilg Y, Wiemer H, Kleiner R, Hofmann J et al. Wahnsinns Sprache! Eine qualitative Untersuchung zur kommunikativen Darstellung von Wahn im Gespräch. Der Nervenarzt 2022 (online ahead of print).

Maatz A, Schneller L, Hoff P. Privacy and confidentiality in psychotherapy: Conceptual background and ethical considerations in light of clinical challenges. In: Trachsel M, Gaab J, Biller-Andorno N, Tekin S, Sadler JZ (eds.): Oxford Handbook of Psychotherapy Ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021.

Citizen Science Centre Zurich collaborators (…Maatz A et al.). Handbook Citizen Science. 2021. Available at:

Maatz A, Ilg Y, Wiemer H. Sprechen über psychische Erkrankungen: Drüber reden! Aber wie? Leading Opinions Neurologie & Psychiatrie 2021(2):6-7.

Maatz A, Ilg Y. The ins and outs of 'schizophrenia': Considering diagnostic terms as ordinary linguistic expressions. Journal of Medical Humanities 2021; (42):387-404.

Hoff P, Maatz A, Vetter JS. Diagnosis as dialogue – historical and current perspectives. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience 2020; (1):27-35. doi:10.31887/DCNS.2020.22.1/phoff

Vetter J, Hoff P. Diagnostik und Klassifikation psychischer Störungen. In: Claussen M, Seifritz E: Sportpsychiatrie - über Psychische Störungen im (Hoch-) Leistungssport, 2022.